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Our Jupiter counseling office is pleased to offer IFS or Internal Family Systems

Dr. Semich is currently accepting new clients virtually.

IFS or Internal Family Systems offers a clear, compassionate, and empowering method of understanding the parts of you and change how you experience, understand, and respond to situations.

IFS promotes inner healing and harmony, moving you toward a state of calmness, courage, connectedness, and clarity. It is evidenced-based, meaning it is one of the best therapeutic practices available, proven scientifically to produce positive results.

In IFS, we believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Our inner parts contain valuable qualities. All parts are welcome. Additionally, we understand everyone to have a core Self, an aspect of our being that is wise, compassionate, connected and healing. Our core Self is THE healing agent in IFS, allowing us to become integrated and whole.

At the IFS Institute, we welcome ALL people. You are welcome here, too. Dr. Ann Marie Semich is a Certified IFS Therapist and an Approved IFS Clinical Consultant. She began her journey with IFS in 2013 when she attended a week-long workshop with IFS founder,
Dick Schwartz. She has been using the modality extensively with clients for over a decade. Dr. Semich has completed Level 1, Level 2: Deepening and Expanding, Level 2: Trauma and Neuroscience, and Level 3, as well as, numerous IFS trainings with Dick Schwartz and other Lead Trainers. Additionally, she has worked as a Program Assistant for IFS Institute trainings since 2016.

To learn more about IFS Therapy and Dr. Ann Marie, click here.

Who Can Benefit from Internal Family Systems Therapy?

IFS therapy can be used as a treatment method to help clients experiencing various issues. Sometimes, there is a misconception that IFS is for families. It’s important to think of “family” as the internal system of an individual with many parts, like families have many members. IFS method is traditionally used for the growth and healing of an individual client.

Those experiencing the following conditions can benefit from Internal Family Systems Therapy:

✔ Anxiety or Stress

✔ Depression

✔ Trauma

✔ Grief and Loss

✔ Life Transition – Breakups, Illness, Etc.

✔ Self-Esteem/Personal Growth

✔ Relationship Issues

IFS therapy has also proven to be helpful for those who are experiencing the effects of trauma, conflicts in the workplace, lack of motivation, body image/eating issues, disinterest, or general feelings of mental and emotional discomfort.

What Happens in an IFS Therapy Session?

Internal Family Systems therapy is experiential and beyond a form of talk therapy. You can expect your time to be deep, meaningful and insightful. In session, we will begin to pinpoint the different “parts of the system” that are preventing you from experiencing Self (the core of who you are).

IFS therapy aims to identify three key parts:

● The Exiles – The suppressed, pained, or wounded parts of you.

● The Managers – The protector parts of you that manage your world to keep the exiles suppressed.

● The Firefighters – The protector parts of you that jump in to soothe or suppress the emotions of the exile after triggered.

For example, if a client is worried about losing their job, the underlying fear is the exile. The part that tries to prove that they are a valuable employee (person) by working late hours, or people pleasing is the manager protector. If the boss indicates they are under performing (thus triggering the fearful exile), the firefighter protector part will start drinking to numb or suppress the fear.

In session, you are invited to explore these parts of you from a place of curiosity and compassion. Once the part feels fully understood by you, we continue the healing process by unburdening the old beliefs and emotions, then integrating new, more helpful qualities such as
peace, or joy, or confidence. When this happens, the protector parts of you no longer have to work so hard and they can shift into other roles for you.

What are the Goals of IFS Therapy?

Once the exiles have been healed and unburdened from the emotions and beliefs that they have been carrying, the protector parts relax and often shift to more helpful roles. This creates more space in the system to experience the qualities of Self in daily life. Qualities such as confidence, clarity, compassion, calm, courage, curiosity, creativity, and connection.

When this type of deep healing happens, it gives us a greater ability to have a “choice in every moment.” This means we can choose how to respond to life’s events, circumstances, and relationships in a harmonious and more loving way.

Let us know how we can help.

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